"Recent advances in microscopy and its application in biomedical sciences"
Wanderley De Souza - Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (Brasil)
Gabriela Casanova Larrosa - Unidad de Microscopía Electrónica, Fac. de Ciencias - UdelaR (Uruguay)
| Conferencista invitado
Recent advances in microscopy and its application in biomedical sciences. (#0381)
Wanderley De Souza 1
1 - Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro.
Microscopy has been instrumental in the advances of knowledge on the organization of cells and tissues. Significant efforts have been done to improve its resolution. Four major advances will be discussed here. First, those which made it possible to achieve nanometer resolution in fluorescence light microscopy applied to biological sciences, especially techniques such as SIM, STED, GSD, STORM and PALM. Second, the improvement in the resolution of the scanning microscopes (using electrons or ions) allowing the observation of biological surfaces (actual cell surface or intracellular structures) with a sub nanometer resolution, associated with three dimensional reconstruction techniques. Third the use of high resolution transmission electron microcopy tomography. Fourth, advances in freezing of cells in a living state and their subsequent observation in a frozen state using both scanning and transmission electron microscopy. These advances will be exemplified in the study of pathogenic protozoa and their interaction with host cells.

Contacto: wanderley.desouza@gmail.com